Lysten’s- Join The Conversation -Mini Blog Series

What makes us human is the ability to have dreams and ambition. The ability to work towards something purposeful. For me, that’s what make life worth wild. We get to wake up every day with the choice to stay where we are or if want, to change our situation. Life is about living the best version of yourself and reaching your full potential. I love grabbing my notebook, pen and colorful highlighters and planning out my day, week, or month. Although, you know as well as I know hardly anything ever go as planned. But, it’s nice to feel as if we have a bit of control over certain situations or outcomes that we have etched out on our paper. I am a firm believer of “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail”. So, here are a few quick “how to’s” to stay focused and crush your goals!

Understand Your Vision 

Reflect on your why, focus on your goals, and what it is that you really want.This  will help give you clarity to get you back on track, and will reignite that fire that drives you to accomplish your desires. 

Tune into Your Innermost Self 

Work on reconnecting with your goals, you want to follow the path of least resistance. Ask yourself, “When is the time I feel most focused?” Once you figure that out, during that time execute your vision. For example, some people work better really early in the morning, others are more focused mid-day and believe it or not some actually like to stay up late and WORK! Decide which one is best for you!

Create Attainable Steps 

I know we have all heard of SMART goals, and it’s mentioned in also everything you read about staying focused. That’s because, it’s it works. If you feel like you are struggling w/ motivation, it can be daunting. The best solution is to break down the task into the smaller, easier to accomplish items. 

Follow A Plan

The best way to accomplish your goals is to actually have a blueprint for how you are going to get there, and also an actual step by step plan on how you will achieve them. Following a well thought out strategy will help you to be more organized and structured. 


There’s going to be times in life where you are meant to be taking a lot of momentous action, just like there’s going to be times where we just can’t seem to find the flow. Focus on where you are now and where you want to be and go after that dream!