Lysten: Join The Conversation- Mini Blog Series 

One of the most important things about this whole business thing is that community and connection are essential. Capitalizing off that will make your business efforts worth it. Here are a few things that worked well for us, ‘Must Do Steps to Building a Community’, I hope this helps you. 

  1. Define Your Mission Statement: When you know the core identity of your organization, it makes it easier to establish your goals and create a company culture around your business.  

2. Figure Out Who to Connect With: We all know connections are vital to the success of the business, but what makes the difference is to ensure you are connecting with the right people. Make a list of 10 people you feel would bring value to your organization and make an effort to reach out to them and build an authentic and genuine relationship. 

3. Community Engagement: Honestly, if you learn how to effectively connect, then engaging and interacting should come easily for you! Find like-minded people and just communicate. Literally, just talk to them, engage in their content, send them messages, respond to their post and go to the meetups. Establish yourself a part of their society and build sincere relationships.   

4. Find Your Tribe: Once you start making those connections you WILL find people who you can connect with on a deeper level. They understand who you are and vis versa, they recognize the idea, appreciate the purpose and are invested in your vision.  These are the people that want to see you grow and will be there every step of the way!

5. Make Them Apart of the Team: When you find your tribe be sure to position them as thought leader and allow them to help you develop the brand. This will cultivate the organization, position you to obtain great feedback and understand your product from different perspectives which allows for more progression opportunities. 

Lysten’s goals is to build a community around connection, conversation and collaboration with topics you are interested in. Our beta launch is August 8th 2022.  We would love if you joined our team, it’s IOS and invite only.  Sign up to our waitlist to be an early adopter by visiting our website at for more information.