I don’t know about you all, but setting goals excites me, it gets me so pumped up and eager about the future and what is to come and what it holds that I actually enjoy setting my goals. I carry a notebook that is filled with tasks of my “to-do list” I have my planner that is filled with writing, highlights, appointments, deadlines, project start dates and so on. I wake in the morning to review my list, that I created the night before and see if there is anything else, I need to add to it before beginning my day. Many times, I am extremely anxious to start the day and to start knocking things out, every now and then I feel as if I get a high off of it. Like that’s how much I enjoy accomplishing my day to day goals.

When I set goals and see them manifest into reality and start to take form and come alive. I start to feel as if I can do anything! To me, Goals manifest when you have fun with the process and carry it out with intense passion, action, focus and purpose.

Now, I know that some people are not as high strung and that’s okay I get it. I have a very strong “type A personality” that makes me very competitive, work-obsessed and achievement-orientated and I believe that is what plays a major role in the way that I carry myself when it comes to accomplishing my goals.

So How To Set Goals Like a Boss!?

Let’s first acknowledge that goal setting will put you on your path to your purpose! When setting goals, make it a point to write them down. Have your goals posted in a space that you look at every day, so that they are not out of sight. I for one! am a very simple person. If it is out of sight then it’s out of mind, point blank period. I will not remember to do it…. So, it helps me to have my goals somewhere where I know I am going to look every morning. This also increases the likelihood of accomplishing your goals if they are reviewed on a daily basis.

Most people have a constant craving to evolve and grow. SOO Seeking improvement in our career, relationships and self, is imperative to our happiness. No one wants to stay the same forever, if I had to stay in the same position or relationship status, for years on end without progression or advancement, there is no happiness in that. Whatever I do in life I do it with the intention of growth. Moving to the next level and achieving something greater than what I started with.   

Break your goals down into smaller steps that will help you achieve the bigger picture. But first you must remember to NOT get overwhelmed by the end goal. It’s easy to look at what you’re trying to accomplish and become afraid because of the amount of time, effort and resources it may take. But all you must do is think about what the larger goal is and work backwards. For example, if you want to accomplish your goals within the next 6 months, then write down what you need to do each month to achieve that goal. Then break it down even further and ask yourself what you need to accomplish each week in order to achieve your goal. Then lastly, what steps do you need to take each day? This may friend, will help you organize and plan your action steps accordingly. It’s almost like you are setting goals so small it’s impossible not to follow through.

Now I put this point in many of my podcast and videos because it’s imperative that ppl understand that there is NO STRAIGHT road to success and hard times will occur. Learn to understand everything will not go as planned and you have to fully recognize and acknowledge that fact. If you don’t, you will be easily unmotivated to follow through with your goals at the first sight of adversity. You have to keep going despite that. Always have a plan B, C and D if something does not go the way you want it, the first time…… I heard this quote once that stated, “ failure is the condiment, that gives success it’s flavor” to me that means you’ll appreciate it more, because you know what you had to do, to get to where you are.

Success is more than the end result. Often times, there are secondary gains to our primary goals. For example, let’s say you started a business, because you couldn’t find a job or because you kept getting terminated. As a result not only did you start a business, BUT you also learned and developed new skills to enhance your knowledge in your industry, you improved your self-esteem and you developed a work ethic that enhanced your curiosity for continuous improvement within your business. Secondary gains allow you to continue self-development and growth.

Lastly, which is the most important of them all is to ensure your goals are SMART (Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time bound). This is important because it helps you save time and energy by making the process of goal setting more efficient and most importantly PRODUCTIVE. It helps you avoid spinning your wheels! Smart goals help you with paying attention to the approach as well as focus on the details. When you begin to break your goals down into smaller actions to fulfill the “measurable” and “attainable” SMART criteria, try to include actions that are as small and as specific as possible. The smaller the steps you need to make, the easier it will be to move forward and progress and build momentum.

Overall, while your quarantining ensure to be setting your goals and achieving them like a boss! Set small and specific goals that are easy to follow through with and just stick to it, You got this!