Let’s be honest school sucks to being with, then add procrastination, unmotivating and laziness to it what do you get?! YOU, you get YOU! November is ending the near of your semester with cooler weather and in some places even snow. It becomes harder to get out of the bed when you have to walk across campus and, in the cold and in sometimes when the sun isn’t even up yet. The weather by itself makes anyone want to lay in bed under a warm cozy blanket with the heat on while binge watching their favorite show and eating whatever is in the fridge. Which makes going to class less and less appealing. Below are a few tips and tricks to blow the mid semester blues;

  1. Get yourself motivated; list the reasons why it’s important for you to get up and make it to class, complete your assignments, get ahead on your projects and etc. Once you have your list of motivations post it somewhere visible. Either on your dresser or taped to your mirror, so that you can constantly be reminding yourself of the reason why.
  2. Prepare for the following day. If you hate waking up, the best thing you can do for yourself is to get a jump start on your day by preparing the night before. Take your shower, wash your hair, have your clothes picked out, bookbag ready by the door and breakfast or lunch packed and prepared to go.  
  3. One word, coffee. Before leaving the house have a hot and ready cup of joe either make it or stop at the nearest coffee shop on your way to class. If you’re anything like me, you’ll add lots of cream or sugar (there’s no other way to drink it) and if you’re anything like my sister you’ll drink it simply black (gross) your choice. Either way, one thing we can agree on is starting your day with a great cup of coffee will wake you up, as well as improve your morning and your mood significantly. You’ll have extra energy and it will make going to your classes a little more bearable. 
  4. Develop a consistent sleep pattern. Go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning. You will develop a routine that makes it easier to get to up the following day, also allow for at least 7-8 hours of sleep.
  5. Between classes go get your homework done. If you have an hour or more between each class during that time use it effectively and get a head start on your projects or get your homework complete, so that you don’t wait until the last minute to get it done.

Trust me we understand it’s hard to be motivated all of the time, sometimes you fail and that’s okay, but we’re here to get you back on track. By using these tips you’ll be sure to conquer the mid-semester blues.