We all want to be successful somehow, either within our careers, college classes, parenting our children, in our relationships with our spouses, you name it. We all aim to achieve an objective in life that fulfills us to no end and its different for everyone.  I’m no stranger to feeling stuck in life that’s why I utilize Lysten’s mobile app. To help find solutions, receive knowledge about topics of my interest and to obtain understanding with those who have experienced similar concerns. 

However, doing anything for the first time in your life can be daunting and uncomfortable for many. Becoming a first-time parent, first time homeowner, the first time living on your own. You may have been excited to start the journey, but afraid, nonetheless. Still, nothing in life comes easy. You have to give up the comforts of what you are used to and get comfortable with the strange and unknown.

A lot of things keep us from making the leap such as fear and insecurity. However, we are all just one decision away from making the choice that could change our lives for the better  So, here are my 5 best tips for achieving anything you want in life.

  1. Have structure: I get it everyone hates structure and routine. In this day in age it seems everyone wants something new every single day, no one wants to live the same day twice. However, structure is the only way you are going to be able to establish discipline, self- control and dedication to the steps in which you need to achieve your goals. 
  2.  Focus on commitment, not motivation: Just how committed are you to your goal? How important is it for you, and what are you willing to sacrifice in order to achieve it? If you find yourself fully committed, motivation will follow. However, be aware that you are not always going to be motivated, but you must be committed despite how you feel.
  3. Stop Procrastinating: Irrelevant things and distractions will always be in your way, especially those easy, usual things you would rather do instead of focusing on new challenging and significant projects. Learn to focus on what is the most important. Write a list of timewasters and hold yourself accountable to not do them. When you find yourself doing something you’re not supposed to, make a firm decision to stop immediately and get back to work.
  4. If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself: You should never expect others to do it for you, not your partner, friend or coworkers. You have the means to get whatever you need complete, completed. It may take you longer and it may even be harder. But, relying on others to achieve your success is the worst thing you can do for your goals. They do not have the same passion as you, they do not have the same drive as you and they do not have the vision as you. No one will ever be able to accomplish something the way you can do it.

Follow the steps mentions above, stay dedicated and don’t procrastinate and above all, be curious about how much better you can get and how much more you can learn if you stay on the right path.