So, What Is Lysten?

Lysten is a space for young adults and millennials to converse, collaborate, exchange and discuss real life topics and situations they are experiencing or have questions about. Lysten allows users to be vulnerable about everyday life concerns and circumstances. It allows users to come together and discuss how certain situations are affecting them or to find resolutions to their problems while simultaneously allowing individuals who have a lot of life experience to provide advice and guidance. Users can receive mentoring and direction a number of ways via Lysten’s platform. Lysten has many different features that provides users with a sense of connection and conversation.


 Find Your Tribe

Lysten is a space to share, bond, connect and converse over various topics. It’s a space to find guidance, mentoring and advice. Do you have questions? Well, we have answers. Connect with liked minded individuals who have the same interest, hobbies or who are taking that same course of life as you and build unbreakable bonds and relationships.

Building That Connection

We know sometimes it’s hard to find people to connect with, who get you, or who are experiencing similar situations as you are. Lysten was designed for that main purpose. To support, connect and share. As we grow older its harder to keep friendships because people grow away and grow apart. What if you can build a small community of people who have the same interest whether it be entrepreneurship, a specific career, stay at home moms and etc. that could connect, network and have conversation over coffee or over your phone’, (Ha-ha get it?.. because it’s an app, on your phone =). To assist with alleviating the stress that comes with the sense of “no one gets it’s” or “I’m alone in this” and so on. Find like-minded, like wise friends and connect, bond and share

 The 7 Deadly Features

Lysten’s features includes 7 tabs of awesomeness! I kid you not, each feature is filled with even more features that really just take your experience to another level. The seven tabs include;

The first tab which is the, ‘Home’ tab…*ooooohhhh ahhhhhh*.  The ‘Home’ tab allows users to ask and answer questions. Subscribe to other user’s questions, so once there is a response, you’ll receive a notification. The home tab also allows users to send or receive direct messages. And lastly, to add or remove different tags or topic you would like to find more discussions on. Topics range from; Adulting, careers, college, education, and so forth. Anything you are interested in we have topics abouts.

The second tab, is the Service Provider tab. This tab allows users to connect with one of our specially trained Service Provider’s via phone to discuss whatever is on their mind. Need to vent? We have someone for that. Need to discuss relationship problems? We have someone for that. Need some advice or mentoring about life? We have someone for that as well. Service Providers are here to help you, console you or to simply just listen to you. We all need a shoulder to learn on every now and then, let Lysten be that.

The third tab is for your Notifications, you can see who have responded to your responses or questions. Liked, commented or subscribed to your videos and so forth. Pretty much you receive a notification about everything to help keep you in the loop.

The fourth tab: is by the far our favorite feature, the video tab.  The video feature allows users to upload, stream and watch videos. Users can also like, comment and subscribe and even share videos. Do you like to talk, share interesting information or do tutorials? Whatever you like to watch or post Lysten has the feature for it. Try it out NOW!!!!

The fifth tab, is the Groups Tab, this tab is for individuals who want to discuss a particular topic with a small group of people who get them. Maybe it’s a select few users who really understand where you are coming from or maybe you want to discuss a topic that only a few will understand. What ever the case may be. Lysten has your back! We provide private chat rooms for yourself and whoever else you want to add to discuss whatever you like.

The sixth tab is for events, do you like to attend or host events? Then GREATTT! Lysten has something for you. Post your events on Lysten mobile app to connect with more individuals and reach a wider range of audience.

Last but not least the seventh tab is dedicated to User’s Profile Page. It has several features including a bio space for users to describe a quick snapshot of themselves as well as put in information about their education, career and city. This allows users to get a better sense of you are as a person and what they could possibly connect with you about.

Lysten mobile app, is geared towards young adults and millennials to assist with everyday life concerns and to build connection and conversation.